A wireless thermostat can help lower your power bill

Changing careers can be a scary but necessary move.

I made such a call last year and was terrified because there was a chance my decision could turn out to be the best or worst.

I’ve managed a logistics business for close to five years, and I was beginning to feel stagnant. The business had been struggling for two years, and it was becoming more difficult to run operations. Things were picking up, but I felt it was time to try something new. I had completed an accredited HVAC program after college, but the job at the logistics company was available, so I decided to take it instead of spending months looking for heating technician jobs. I thought the best move to prepare for the new career path was to refresh my knowledge on traditional heating equipment like the boiler and electric heating systems. Technology is constantly evolving, so I started by studying modern HVAC products for sale and new additions like the HEPA filter. I contacted a renowned HVAC specialist and requested to help out for free to gain hands-on experience with key procedures. On the first day, I accompanied an HVAC serviceman for heat pump installation in several homes. We installed each electric heat pump and ran tests to ensure the electric HVAC was working well. We discussed various energy-saving tips as we worked, and I was surprised to learn how much you can save by installing a wireless thermostat. I can’t wait to gain more experience, knowledge, and skills to conduct proper heater maintenance and installation. I’ll start by installing a programmable thermostat at home and following the tips we discussed to see how much I’ll save in the next three months. This way, I’ll have the confidence to recommend such upgrades to my clients based on first-hand experience.


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