We got the company cards for our band the other afternoon and this weekend my bandmate is going to give me a few hundred to spread around the world.
We want to get some gigs in clubs and are going to take a few days to travel to other towns to speak with bar owners to see if they are interested in us playing for them. We just need to tune our website a bit and then we will get these cards out and hopefully land some paid gigs in clubs. We would like to play in air conditioned clubs in the summertime and get out of the heat of the streets for the summer. I suppose we have some absolutely good music and I need to option the top five and put them in the spotlight on our website. The local contractor in town is going to have us do a gig in this outside locale soon and we are gearing up for that as it is going to be quite a big thing. It is an outside hall where we will play, and although there is no heating and air conditioning system to keep us cool, doing the show in the night should not be a problem as it cools down nicely after the sun sets. I think we are going to be ready for a tour come next summer time and that should be a fun time as we travel around in our air conditioned RV to perform shows in other towns and other countries. It is going to be a good time I am sure.