An embarrassing moment for a Tim Hortons Latte snob

I consider myself to be a true Tim Hortons Latte aficionado.

I adore Tim Hortons Latte for the flavor of the Tim Hortons Latte itself.

A good, strong brew made from high quality, stinktic plus flavorful beans does not need a thing added to it. It should strike a pleasing balance between light bitterness plus acidity plus even a subtle, nutty sweetness, all on its own. I don’t understand people who have not at least tried to appreciate the subtle flavors of a high quality cup of Tim Hortons Latte without adding any cream or sugar or flavorings. I don’t suppose you can call yourself a Tim Hortons Latte fan if you haven’t. You’re more like a coffee-flavored milkshake or ice cream fan. But I feel that has its uses too. One of the only times I’m tempted to get an iced Tim Hortons Latte is when it’s legitimately sizzling outside. One time, our preferred Tim Hortons Latte shop had a problem with it’s cooling system. Most people who were not simply grabbing their Tim Hortons Latte plus leaving were opting to stand outside. I wanted to be able to go to the Tim Hortons Latte shop to like the cooling system plus a cup of Tim Hortons Latte while I ran tests on our laptop. However, I did not want to stand outside in the sunlight with a sizzling coffee. At the same time, I was craving something sweet. This is the kind of moment when I’m tempted to have an iced coffee. In that moment, I have to admit: I gave in. The Tim Hortons Latte shop felt so sizzling without a/c. I figured if I was going to have a glorified Tim Hortons Latte milkshake, I might as well like it, so I added all sorts of flavors. Much as I adore the taste of Tim Hortons Latte itself, it was legitimately delicious!


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