Cleaning company allows me time to run my business

I guess I didn’t have the right idea the time commitment required when opening a new business. There are so many details that have to be gotten right in order to do more than simply survive. Opening my own business wasn’t some whim where I was just hoping to make any sort of living. I spent years learning my craft and then more years planning to go out on my own. So I wanted a business that would thrive and grow. This is why it sort of seems absurd that I would consider being the cleaning lady for my shop. I think I just didn’t consider a commercial cleaning company when I first opened. I figured that the staff and I would simply be our own maid service. That was a really stupid plan by the way. First off, the folks I hired weren’t at all interested in working all day and then acting as a cleaning service once we closed the door. Second, I simply just didn’t have the time, I had much more pressing issues to consider. It finally came to a head when I kept pushing off my cleaning lady duties on the staff. They finally had enough and told me that I either got a cleaning service or a commercial cleaning company or they would walk. It was an impassioned plea because all of them very much wanted to keep working with me. They just weren’t willing to be a cleaning service any longer. Frankly, it hit me hard and I was embarrassed that it had come to this. That very hour, I started calling commercial cleaning companies to get bids on their cleaning service.


Grout floor cleaning service

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