I honestly find it weird that where I live has good air quality when it is cloudy outside.
When it is sunny plus bright the air quality is god awful.
This is why for those sunny days I went out plus purchased myself a whole dwelling air purification system. The whole dwelling air purification system was honestly suggested to me by an air quality specialist that I had come plus test the indoor air quality of my dwelling one time. They mentioned that this was a way to have good indoor comfort plus good air quality. It was quite a high priced investment, but it was well worth it. Because on those bright plus sunny days when the air quality is honestly bad, all I have to do is flip on my whole dwelling air purification system that runs through my central heating plus a/c component plus all is good in a matter of 15 minutes or so. It cleans the air perfectly plus is the best indoor air cleaner anyone can have in their home. The investment is well worth it because of the good result that it always gives, and however on those cloudy days the air quality is super good outside plus is the best time to open up the windows plus doors to let some of that good air quality flow through the house so that the whole dwelling air purification system can get a bit of a break! It does take up some high energy use you know?