When you are going out to buy a brand new central heating and air conditioning system unit that is brand new and up to date, the one thing you never want to do is guess the SEER rating or assume that the SEER rating is going to be good just because the central heating and air conditioning system unit is expensive or just flat out high end.
Because this is where they can really get you! You always should check the SEER rating with your heating and air conditioning sales representative when you are shopping for a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system unit! I always do this.
But I know many others who do not and end up in high regret when they buy a brand new central heating and air conditioning system only to find out that the SEER rating was low and then they end up paying out the wazoo on electric bills! This can really make things bad for you and could even make you go broke and poor if you are on a low income running a central heating and air conditioning system unit with a very low SEER rating. It is really easy to find out the SEER rating of a central heating and air conditioning system unit. All you have to do is simply ask the heating and air conditioning sales rep and they will tell you what it is. And they will not lie either or they could get in serious trouble! So do not worry about that whatsoever. SEER ratings are everything!