Heating corporation keeps me active

So this week I am going to start up my weight training program after I teach my yoga student later this afternoon in her weather controlled flat

How many hours a day do you have to yourself? Online it says that two to five hours of free time a day is ideal for happiness. Well, I have a lot more than five hours of free time each day, actually closer to seven or eight hours a day. I fill that free time though with music and it doesn’t seem to bother me that I have so much of it, and maybe if I wasn’t playing beach ball or playing music in a band I would be bored with all the free time I have, but this heating and A/C tech is just great with all of that free time. I need to get back on my workout routine though because I have been resting a lot in my free time. My heating corp keeps me active with the heating and A/C system repairs I do, even though I need to get in some weight training each week or my muscles start to deteriorate abruptly. Lifting up heavy heating devices is great for your muscles, even though I haven’t had many to lift as I have been working a lot on smart thermostats and small things like space heating system repairs and things like that. So this week I am going to start up my weight training program after I teach my yoga student later this afternoon in her weather controlled flat. It is a sunny day and it will be a great one for doing my workout routine on the beach later when it cools down. My heating and A/C rep friend will join me in the workout later and it should be fun.


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