HVAC can improve your health

But I actually wanted to take it a single step further when it came to my respiratory health.

Man, when I finally changed my lifestyle, I actually changed my lifestyle; and it’s almost like I’ve become an unusual woman over the last couple of years… Had it not been for being cooped up inside the a/c of my house during the pandemic, I’m not sure I would be where I am now… And not only am I healthier by a significant factor, I’m happier as well! And living the way I was residing was not only destroying my health however it was ruining my delight for life as well. I was fat, out of shape and nearly completely sedentary, however decades of kneeling at my desk inside the commercial HVAC of the office only to come home and rest in my recliner took a toll… And that’s nobody’s fault, however mine. I unquestionably could have come home, changed my clothes and gone for a walk. And essentially, that’s how this whole entire lifestyle change began, then while I was at my house working remotely from the central a/c of my house, I did that unquestionably thing just to get out and get some fresh air… One walk a day turned into more than two. And I was feeling so much better that I decided to tackle my diet. That was a tougher prospect, however I kept going and took it step by step. Within a year, I had lost more than 71 pounds and was in the best shape of my life. But I actually wanted to take it a single step further when it came to my respiratory health. That’s why I had the HVAC corporation install a whole house whole-cabin air purifier inside the HVAC equipment. This genre of whole-cabin air purifier provides the unquestionably best air quality you can find. And that has only added to my overall health and to my happiness.



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