I have to live in a basement without HVAC

I have to transport back in with our parents next week; I am really dreading this move, because it just goes to show most people in our family that I am a complete failure! I tried to make it out on our own, plus it just hasn’t worked out the way that I thought it would.

I finally moved out plus I thought that I was going to do so great, but everything is more luxurious than I thought it was going to be, then my rent payment alone has been enough to bankrupt me.

The whole experience has just been terrible plus now I just want to tuck our tail between our legs so to speak plus go back to our own parents house… Unfortunately for me, our parents turned our room into their office plus workout area so now I have nowhere to go to the condo. They told me that I could transport it into the basement, but there is no heating plus cooling system in the basement. I guess they never planned for me to transport back in plus they also never thought that anyone would be living in their basement! Anyway, I guess I am going to have to schedule an appointment with our local HVAC supplier to see what our chances are when it comes to getting Some kind of a heating plus cooling system installed down there. I do not want to have to put in any kind of duct job because that is going to cost too much. I am already going to be in debt to our parents, so I want to be able to get something that is as cheap as possible.

energy saving tips

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