Is this the hottest summer ever? My AC thinks so

Every year I always say “this is the hottest summer ever.” I have been saying this for over 20 years, since I first moved to this small town. Finally my mind wandered and I asked myself if it was true or not. Did I simply forget how humid and oppressive the summer weather was every year? Or were the temps actually rising? I have never believed in Global Warming, but the idea that pollution can impact the climate is starting to make more sense to me. I went to Google and learned that the local temps have gradually increased over the last decade. No wonder my air conditioning seemed to be getting weaker, because the heat outside kept rising! With that in mind I had a trusted HVAC expert come over to inspect my system and give me some pointers on how to handle the rising heat. Much to my surprise, the HVAC expert didn’t give me many pointers about the AC, he was focused on other things. Instead of buying a new HVAC system, he suggested getting blackout curtains to keep the sunlight out, and to invest in additional insulation. According to the expert my A/C was in great shape and would last another five years, at least. In order to combat the slowing heating planet I needed to stop the heat exchange happening between inside and outside. He also suggested that at night when it was cool and breezy I should turn off the A/C for a few hours and open up the house. It gives the HVAC a rest and gets more ventilation in the house.

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