My HVAC was severely clogged

When my heating and AC guy came out to look at my air conditioning system I never expected to hear what he told me.

As of recently I’ve been having trouble getting my heating and cooling unit to come on and work properly.

It would come on and blow a tiny amount of cool air and then almost immediately shut right back off. I was concerned that my air conditioning system was going to die on me and I was going to need to replace it with a brand new one. It was money that I simply didn’t have and I just knew that I could not have a brand new one. So I was hoping and praying that it was anything but my air conditioner actually dying on me. I was so afraid of what I was going to hear that I put off having a heating and AC technician come out to service my heating and cooling system. When the HVAC worker arrived at my home he wasted no time going to look at my air conditioning system and told me what was causing the problem. I was very surprised when he told me he found the source of the issue in 5 minutes. According to him, the problem I was having was that the air conditioner was severely clogged with branches, dirt, and debris. He asked me when I had last had a heating and AC technician clean it out or take a look at it and I was embarrassed when I couldn’t answer. It was the buildup of all these things over time that made the clog so huge. Thankfully he was able to easily remove the clock and the price wasn’t nearly as painful as I expected it to be. Now I can enjoy working in the air conditioning system again. I don’t know what I would do without cool air.


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