My number one diner became the go-to spot for meeting with clients

My job requires myself and my colleagues to get out of the office and meet with the clients.

We will sometimes meet at public company offices, however I find that it’s more personable to bring clients to a diner or a bar.

I need our clients to believe comfortable when making decisions with me, so I need to be sure that they have a bite to eat, and maybe a beverage or numerous if they’re inclined to do so. My boss had a particular diner in mind for 1 particular client, a steakhouse, so when I met the new client there, I was surprised how hot it was inside. The food was alright, and the drinks were okay, however I couldn’t get over how muggy and steamy the air felt. I asked the supervisor if he would lower the a/c, and they told myself and others that it was as low as it could go. The client was getting visibly uncomfortable, as both of us were both becoming hot when it was time for us to talk about business! Frustrated, I asked him if he wanted to try the tavern next door, and he agreed. Right upon walking in the door, I was refreshed by the power of the respectfully working a/c. The rest of the night went well and I now have a strong company relationship with this client. I will never bring current clients to the steakhouse again, not until they replace the entire Heating plus Air Conditioning system and are able to have it at a better temperature. I goofed with the bartender about the a/c at the steakhouse and he told myself and others that when the new owners purchased the building, 1 of the first things they did was overhaul the full Heating plus Air Conditioning system, since the existing a/c and oil furnace were over 30 years old, and that the steakhouse likely was using inefficient, outdated Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment. This tavern became our current go-to spot for meeting with new clients.
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