Now that the weather is finally heating up plus the Winter time is over, there’s something that you should do if you have central air conditioning in your home. A lot of people seem to forget about the exterior air conditioning device that is outside of your home. Sometimes, sticks, shrubbery, weeds, or other outdoor debris can get too close to your air conditioning device plus mess up your cooling system… You want to make sure that before you turn the air conditioning on for the first time in the Summer that you have completely cleaned around the air conditioning device outside! Our air conditioning system is located back behind the garage, plus occasionally I completely forget that it’s even back there. Out of sight, out of mind, plus all that! Well, a couple of years ago, I made the immense mistake of not checking the air conditioning device out before I turned it on for the first time in the Summer plus it was a immense mistake. The day that I turned it on for the first time, the weather outside was certainly hot. The temperature was really up in the nineties plus it wasn’t even suppertime yet. I remember it well because the whole thing was legitimately traumatizing to me! When I turned the air conditioning on, there was a odd grinding sound followed by a scraping sound outside. Then, abruptly, the air conditioning vents started to blow out a terrible, acrid stink into the house. I ran outside to look at the air conditioning device plus there was a immense raccoon inside of the air conditioning unit. It was terrible! I will never turn the air conditioning on again unless I check it first.