Winter is one of the most difficult seasons for farmers. My friend and I start getting ready as the weather changes from a hot summer to a cool fall. Soon, months of snow will be added to the cold temperatures. My friend and I raise pasture-raised beef cows, pigs, and chickens. Our goal has always been to have a consistent supply to sell at local farmer’s markets. My friend and I also raise turkeys for Thanksgiving. Anyway, when it comes to winter preparations, my buddy and I have to make sure everything is ready for the animals. My friend and I began stockpiling hay because there is no grass for the cows to eat when the ground is covered in snow. My friend and I also inspect the water pipes to ensure adequate insulation! Frozen pipes have been such a problem in the past for us that my friend and I had to bring in water from our neighbors. Fortunately, our local Heating and Air Conditioning company also handles plumbing and electrical issues. They devised ingenious solutions to keep our pipes from freezing. Instead of placing them near the surface, my friend and I dug them deep last year. The goal was to get the pipes deep enough so that the ground remained hot despite the snow and ice. In addition, my friend and I received a special hydrant that will not freeze during the winter. Another way to keep pipes from freezing is for my buddy and I to make sure the control component is correctly set! Keeping the control component set at a constant temperature both morning and night helps to keep the pipes warm. This has also been relaxing because our heating system is no longer working overtime to keep our house warm during the winter.