Pollutants from cigarettes can seep into the HVAC unit

I once dated a guy that smoked, and it didn’t last for very long.

While I liked him a lot, I couldn’t get over his bad habit.

When we dated, he used to spend the night at my house. He was polite enough to ask me if he could smoke inside my house which I politely told him no. I did have a screened in patio area and he was free to smoke there whenever he wanted. I know that cigarette smoke gets into clothing and fabric and that odor is difficult to remove, and the last thing that I wanted was for my house to smell like cigarettes all the time. He knew I didn’t like the smell, so he never invited me to his place. And to be honest, I didn’t mind because I assumed that I would have been coughing from the smell of cigarette smoke. Studies have shown that cigarette smoke increases air pollutants inside the home. The smell is absorbed into carpets, curtains, furniture, and it also gets into the HVAC vents and circulates throughout the home. The air filter inside the HVAC unit is not equipped to filter out the pollutants produced by cigarette smoke. So, the entire house or apartment will have this pollutant lingering throughout the space. I didn’t want to take the risk of dealing with bad air quality in my home that could potentially seep into my HVAC unit, so I could not allow that guy to smoke anywhere near the inside. Well, we dated for less than a year, but the relationship ended because I refused to spend the night at his house. I didn’t want to have to be uncomfortable because the air smelled of cigarette smoke.

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