Portable air purification saved the day

For most of my life, I have had allergies.

I have tried multiple different solutions to fix this problem, but so far, I have not had any luck.

I live with my roommate, and I stay mostly in my room. However, my roommate tells me that he can hear me sneezing from a mile away, so I know it’s pretty bad. I probably sneeze at least 15-20 times a day, it’s crazy. I was prescribed allergy medicines by my doctor, but I had bad side effects and I would rather deal with the sneezing. I once heard of something called a whole air purification system, but one look at the price on those told me everything I needed to know, that I could never afford one. It was so hard knowing that whole home air purifiers were out there, but I couldn’t get one. Anyways, I was telling my friend about this, when he told me about portable air purification. I hadn’t thought of this, and I immediately got to researching. It turns out there are portable air cleaners, and price wise, they were much more doable. Even better than that, there were some portable air purifiers for sale at a nearby furnace and air conditioning store! On the same day, I drove to the location of the HVAC store and brought home the portable air purification. I placed it in my room, since I was there the most, and that seemed to do the trick. My sneezing dropped to only a few times a day, if that. The portable system is the perfect solution.


a/c tune up

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