I have a buddy who is in charge of accreditation of the Catholic schools in our state… She is regularly traveling somewhere to make a locale visit, and occasionally she gets to go entirely far south where it is so attractive and surrounded by both oceans, however last time she went down there, she actually got there by boat! Isn’t that amazing! There is a boat taxi that goes from one of the ports and brings you all the way down there.
She went in the winter, however even in the winter, it was warm! When she went into the school itself, she thought the furnace was on. It was quite warm inside the school, and she actually asked someone if they could turn off the gas furnace, as the place seemed hot! They just looked at her love she was from another planet, and informed her that they do not even have a gas furnace or any sort of artificial heating in the school, and my buddy was shocked and asked why it was so hot. It was so tepid because they had decided not to turn on the cooling system in January. Without the a/c, they could save quite a bit of money, however come May, they would need that cooling to be running full blast. I thought it was so funny that they aren’t required to have heating, however it turns out that no one that far south needs a gas furnace. It is not required by code, however truly is. She put in for them to get ceiling fans, and that way, when they didn’t want to run their , they could turn on the fans and think as if the cooling was running.