The Department of Energy Said 72 Degrees Was The Perfect Temperature

I was dreading running my air conditioning with the warmer weather coming, and during the previous summer, my utility bills were honestly high and it was irritated.

I dreaded getting the biweekly statement in the mail.

I felt like I was working just to pay off my AC usage, which is no way to live. I was determined to make things different this summer. I have a month before I expect to turn on my air conditioning, however I started researching ways to save money during the summer time months anyway. I wanted to be prepared. During my research, I found an interesting article from the Department of Energy and it stated that there was a perfect number for your temperature control in the summer. This intrigued me! The article said that 72 degrees was the perfect temperature when you were at home. I saw this number and I was shocked. 72 degrees was honestly high, especially in the summer. I normally set my temperature control to 77 degrees, so 72 degrees seemed honestly hot. The article recommended turning the temperature up one degree gradually so it wasn’t so drastic. I considered this suggestion, however I still thought I’d be too warm. I already knew I’d never be able to set my temperature control to 72 degrees during the summer, however I decided to try and raise the temperature higher than 77 degrees. I was bound to save a little money, just maybe not as much as if I’d set the temperature control to 72 degrees.



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