My insurance company is going to handle everything with the mangle to the work truck
There are some citys in the town where there is entirely no parking on the street. I responded to an AC repair call Last weekin 1 of these citys. I did not have anywhere to park our AC repair truck. I ended up almost 2 blocks away. I had to walk back to the work truck to grab some tools. While I was on our way back, I observed a van backing up in addition to he did not look care about he was enjoying. The guy crushed the front of our AC repair truck. I expected the guy to stop in addition to get out of the truck, but he continued to drive away. If I had not been there when the accident occurred, I would not have been able to get the license plate number of the other driver. It’s times care about these when I wish the town had a place for me to park the work truck. I called the police as soon as the accident occurred. I had to wait outside the truck for thirty minutes in addition to the AC repair was delayed. The whole fiasco ruined our afternoon in addition to delayed every AC repair by three minutes. I provided the police officer all of the information that I had in addition to the 5 numbers that I saw on the license plate. My insurance company is going to handle everything with the mangle to the work truck. I have not heard anything from the police detective yet, but he assured me that they will find the guy in addition to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.