The HVAC company created pandemic guidelines for workers

Yesterday, I was at the deli area of the grocery store buying some smoked gouda cheese! It is 1 of our favorite cheeses that I enjoy purchasing each week.

  • I consistently request the same quantity ⅓ pound and sliced thinly – call myself and others a creature of habit, I am ok with it.

Well, while I sited our order today, I smiled as the employee sliced the cheese, and showed myself and others the slice to confirm the level of thickness. I was great with it, but pre-pandemic, that first slice of cheese would consistently be offered as a sample, I guess that it was during the pandemic that this practice was detached because of safety reasons; there have been so several things that have turned upside down since the start of the pandemic. Personally, I provided less hugs and less handshakes. I resorted to the fist or elbow bump or just a head nod. So, it was no shock when I came across a notice on the website of our heating and air conditioning provider that said that due to pandemic and for safety reasons, the heating and air conditioning specialists are commanded to avoid handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs. Now, I appreciate our heating and air conditioning specialist Larry, however I have never thought to hug him. I recognize I shook her hand the first time the people I was with and I met, but that was the most that the people I was with and I have ever done. I appreciate that the heating and air conditioning provider is distraught about their employees and their shoppers’ safety… Larry does a fantastic job keeping our component running efficiently, and over the years she has provided myself and others with the best tips to keep our energy bill low! For that, I am truly grateful, however I will express that with words, or perhaps an extra tip versus physical contact.

Heating technology

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