The meal service is great and I don't have to think ahead

I mentioned the meal delivery service to my mom and she was definitely intrigued and curious.

I knew my mom wasn’t eating healthy foods, but she refused to move into my home. My husband and the kids were happy to welcome mom into our home, but she wanted to keep her independence. When she lost 12 pounds in a month, her autonomy became a danger to her health and I had to intervene. I started dropping by every afternoon or two with groceries. I brought fresh vegetables and fruits, but my mom never touched them. She complained it was too much work to prepare the food and said it was easier to eat soup and crackers instead. When I started preparing meals like a roast or lasagna that would last a few days, my mom wasn’t happy with that either. Then I found out about a local meal delivery service that brings a hot meal to elederly people each day. The meal always contains fresh vegetables, protein, and a variety of desserts that I know my mom likes. I mentioned the meal delivery service to my mom and she was definitely intrigued and curious. We looked at the options available and my mom liked the meals like salmon, shrimp, pork, and chicken. She saw a lot of options that made her interested and she liked being able to choose her own meal each night. She has to order one week ahead, but the meal delivery service guarantees hot and fresh food within the one hour time window selected. That takes a lot off my mind when I get home at the end of the day and my mom still gets to be independent for a little while longer.


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