They cleaned the air ducts in our office while we were out during Christmas

While our office was shut down during the Christmas break, the commercial HVAC company came and cleaned the air ducts in the office building. This was the first time that anyone had ever touched the air ducts in that office, as far as I know. I have been working there for about 15 years, and I have never seen an HVAC company come to do any ductwork cleaning at all, so it was very surprising to me to see that they were going to do it. I was happy to see that it was going to happen, though. In my opinion, you should do regular ductwork cleaning when you’re the owner of a big office building. There is a good chance that there could be yucky stuff floating around in the ductwork when you have hundreds of people working in the building every single day. Think of all of the dust and germs that come through the building each day with all of those people. Anyway, I personally thought that it was a nice Christmas present for the owners of the building to call the commercial HVAC company to come in and clean out all of the ductwork professionally. I think that the indoor air quality in the building is going to be a lot better in the coming months now that they have finally done something about cleaning the ventilation system. I really hope that they will start to do it more often now that they see that it can be done without too much intrusiveness. Maybe they will start doing it each year at Christmas.

Whole home heating

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