Upgrading our Heating system to increase the equity in our home

My partner and I have lived in our lovely home for over 8 years, it has served us well, and while we’re not ready to transfer just yet, both of us have been pondering the future, and getting ready to sell our house, many of the biggest decisions we have made were all with the goal of raising the resale value of our house before both of us put it on the market! The people I was with and I have updated most of the the appliances, installed LED lighting throughout the house, overhauled the landscape, and only recently, both of us have decided to update our Heating plus Air Conditioning system, and our very aged gas furnace was incredibly outdated, and while it had been respectfully tested, it was taking up a huge section in a room that both of us wanted to convert to a livable space, and since the both of us lived in a certainly mild climate, both of us didn’t need the gas furnace, but a heating pump can be localed outside, and uses a condenser and evaporator to heat your home during the winter, and cool it in the summer.

The installation was certainly quick, especially since our existing ductwork was in good condition from respectfully busy service from our local Heating plus Air Conditioning retailer.

Our current heat pump was a good investment to our home, it is far more energy efficient than our traditional gas gas furnace, greatly lowering our utility bills every week. Our main problem when it came to the heat pump installation was the air quality, however our Heating plus Air Conditioning provider ensures us that our air quality would be the same, if not better than before, as long as both of us respectfully change out the air filters! Installing a heat pump was a good way to add more value to our home, just in time for us to bring it to market.

heating device

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