I really hate it when you have to sit around and wait for repair of anything all day.
This was the case when my central heating and air conditioning system was having issues and I had to call the local heat and a/c company to send out one of their certified heating and cooling specialists.
They gave me a time window of 8am to 5pm. This was utter ridiculous. Why could not they have gave an hour time window? And why do businesses like heating and air conditioning companies pull this junk all of the time? I just don’t get it and it is not fair to the customer. How would the heating and air conditioning specialists like it if they had to sit around all day, have to lose time from their job and just blow the entire day away because of waiting on something that should be given a direct time. I don’t think the heating and air conditioning specialists would like it that much! But of course, these major corporations do not care in the least about things like that. It’s always their way or none at all. I almost feel like starting my own heating and air conditioning company that will give exact appointments for HVAC repair and other heating and air conditioning home services. With the time being simple and exact, it would put these time wasting heat and a/c corporations out of business because everyone would come to me before them. That would be a well known fact. Needless to say, the heating and air conditioning specialist didn’t show up that day till almost 4pm!