Perfect solution – fireplace is blocked off, hide TV

This year is certainly the most important Christmas of my entire life. For the past 5 years or so, I’ve genuinely calmed down my cookie baking, elaborate gift wrapping, and spending in order to focus more on being a financially responsible adult for the rest of the year. This year, however, Christmas isn’t about adults. It’s all about my step-son, who will be coming up to spend the holiday week with us for the first time! My fantastic friend and I are both so excited, but it’s also quite stressful. There is genuinely a lot of pressure to make the holiday a fantastic one, since we’ll have a little one running around. That’s why I’ve been laboring so taxing to get the property in a festive mood lately. I knew that the tree was important, as were the lights and garlands, but the most festive decoration is the wood burning fireplace, in my opinion. I’ve wanted to use the little fireplace for at least a month already, but my friend and I have an organizational problem at home; the television is currently standing in front of the fireplace, rather than being mounted above it. Yes, of course my friend and I regularly intended to transfer the television above the woodburning stove, but my friend and I just never got around to it since moving. Instead, we’ve relied on the boring seasoned central heat. Now, we’ve run out of time to respectfully mount the television safely away from the fire and heat of the fireplace, and have to find an alternative solution. At first I was pretty sad about the alternate heating conundrum, but I realized that it’s genuinely a fantastic thing. We’ll just have to put the television away in the attic so my friend and I have access to the moderate fireplace. What better way to ensure my friend and I have a festive and fulfilling family holiday than removing the entire television temptation?


Beginning to look a lot like christmas… indoors

It’s kindof a unusual sensation to be setting up Christmas decorations these afternoons, I have to say.

  • I savor the holiday & making our house look festive for the season, but I’ve been feeling conflicted inside because it just doesn’t feel like the holiday is approaching.

You see, I’m accustomed to a cold & bleak winter season that signifies the coming festivities. I was born & raised in the midwest, where there is no shortage of ice cold weather, falling snow, & holiday cheer to combat the major depressive spell brought on by winter. Every day feels like surviving as you option up gifts & string lights in the cold outdoors. The only relief is wrapping presents in the warmth & safety of your central heat at the end of the day. These afternoons, but, I live down in the south, & the air temperature sure is strange as the happiest day of the year approaches… Rather than bundling up in heavy layers to go out & shovel the driveway every day, we’re just starting to rake the leaves out of our yard. Instead of warming up by the fireplace with a moderate cup of cocoa, we’re still lounging on outdoor patios to sip on ice cold drinks. Everything feels just a little “off” separate from the temperature change that I friendd with Christmas for 26 years of my life. That’s why I’m trying desperately to keep our indoor environment as wintery & festive as possible! The first thing I did was to clear off our little gas fireplace so my friend and I could have a fake roaring fire for the rest of the month; Next, I decorated all over with piney garland decorated with fake snow & bells. Finally, I unfastened the furnace, so it would feel at least a little like Christmas via our indoor air temperature.



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Perfect solution – fireplace is blocked off, hide TV

This year is really the most important Christmas of my entire life.

For the past 5 years or so, I’ve actually calmed down my cookie baking, elaborate gift wrapping, and spending in order to focus more on being a financially responsible adult for the rest of the year. This year, but, Christmas isn’t about adults. It’s all about my step-son, who will be coming up to spend the holiday week with us for the first time! My buddy and I are both so excited, but it’s also quite stressful. There is actually a lot of pressure to make the holiday a good one, since we’ll have a little one running around. That’s why I’ve been working so difficult to get the dwelling in a festive mood lately. I knew that the tree was important, as were the lights and garlands, but the most festive decoration is the wood burning fireplace, in my opinion. I’ve wanted to use the little fireplace for at least a month already, but my buddy and I have an organizational concern at home; the cable is currently sitting in front of the fireplace, rather than being mounted above it. Yes, of course my buddy and I constantly intended to transport the cable above the woodburning stove, but my buddy and I just never got around to it since moving. Instead, we’ve relied on the boring aged central heat. Now, we’ve run out of time to properly mount the cable safely away from the fire and heat of the fireplace, and have to find an alternative solution. At first I was pretty sad about the alternate heating conundrum, despite the fact that I realized that it’s absolutely a fine thing. We’ll just have to put the cable away in the attic so my buddy and I have access to the hot fireplace. What better way to ensure my buddy and I have a festive and fulfilling family holiday than removing the entire cable temptation?


hvac installation

Gas was never turned on

Sporadically I honestly wonder about my woman He’s so smart in so several ways… as well as then honestly surprises me in other ways when she does incredibly stupid shit.

This afternoon, for instance, it came to light that she had not ever taken care of our insurance payment because she couldn’t’ remember the login information online.

Therefore, she just let our policy expire because she didn’t make the time to call buyer service. I swear to god, there are days that I almost murder him for her stupidity. That’s why I honestly shouldn’t be surprised about our little heating as well as cooling mishap the other week. I woke up one afternoon to find that it was abruptly Fall! The air temperature outside had abruptly plummeted by about 25 degrees, as well as as such, the indoor air temperature had become surprisingly brisk, as well. At first I ran down to the thermostat as well as began punching at the boiler power button, trying to increase the boiler settings to at least 71 degrees. The thermostat responded, however I never heard the central heating device kick into gear as I got ready for work. By the time I walked out the door that afternoon, I was chilled to the bone as well as convinced that my pal and I had a major heating issue. Of course, my woman as well as I then had to argue over whether or not my pal and I should call out an Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist to look over the boiler, because she was convinced that the Heating as well as Air Conditioning maintenance could be done without a professional’s opinion, fast forward to three days later, my pal and I still had no laboring heat in the house. Literally as I picked up the iphone to call the nearest ventilation specialist, my girlfriend had a brilliant revelation. The boiler wasn’t broken at all, although she had never set up the gas in our condo to power the heating device.


Heat pump install

Grandma gets smart thermostat

Is there a way to divorce your family? Because I would be very interested.

They are a difficult lot of people, and I can’t stand the extra stress that they pump into my life year after year. As a young child, I think I was blissfully unaware of what nightmares they are. However, as adulthood approached, I began to realize that this is not how other families act. They seem to actually love and respect each other, and I have no idea what that’s all about. My family is always at each other’s throats, complaining that no one is a good clan member and asking for more favors. Just recently, my grandma asked for a pretty big one when she asked me to teach her how computers work. Well, that’s a pretty long technical lesson just to be able to adjust your thermostat. You see, my uppity old grandma got it in her head that she absolutely needed an updated heating plan and smart thermostat to match. There was nothing wrong with her furnace, but her neighbors got radiant heated flooring so clearly she needed it too. Similarly, her old thermostat was fine and she even knew how to operate the temperature control system, but one of the girls from Bridge Club just had hers replaced with a smart home thermostat, so now grandma had to have it. The only trouble is, she has no idea how iphones, tablets, or even PCs work. She has no clue how to change her smart thermostat or augment the indoor air temperature. Instead of doing it herself, she’s decided I will be her personal temperature slave. Now she calls me every few hours to make all her temperature demands come true from my own phone.


Local contractor

New dealer is practically giving away units

Man, am I glad that my mom came over and visited last month.

I literally don’t think I’ve ever said that sentence before in my life, and I’m not sure I ever will utter it again.

You see, we have a complicated relationship. She doesn’t give me much credit for the successful young adult I’ve become, and I have a hard time dealing with her juvenile way of speaking to me. She always thinks that she knows best, even when she has no special knowledge on a topic. One of her most opinionated areas of expertise, in fact, is other people’s HVAC systems. Does she have any working knowledge of operating these unfamiliar heating and cooling plans? No. Does she still think she should override the current air temperature plan and alter the air quality settings? Yes. This is precisely what happened with my air conditioning system last month. Mom rolled into town, mom decided the house was uncomfortable, mom changed the air temperature control settings before I had a chance to stop her. Fast forward less than one day, and my entire central cooling plan was busted. Of course, when the AC wouldn’t operate any longer, my mom suddenly had recommendations for getting the HVAC replaced. Within a few moments, she was calling random HVAC shops and complaining about the situation for as long as they would listen. She had all sorts of sob stories and pointed comments about her desperate temperature needs as a “senior citizen.” Apparently it was an effective method of torture, because my new AC unit was installed the very next day… for less than 30% of the expected cost. Thanks mom.

Home comfort business

Son has never been good at much… but HVAC

I am a truly loving wife and mother.

My family means the world to me, and I don’t know what I would possibly do without my wonderful husband and son.

That being said, they are both complete idiots. Before you jump down my throat, you need to understand some of the things they’ve done in the past. These incidents include getting electrocuted on a regular basis, finding creative ways to break their fingers and toes, and occasionally burning down the garage. As such… I haven’t necessarily felt the most confident about my son’s future. He isn’t widely skilled, but there is one area in which he truly excels. He is the heating and cooling wiz in the family. Ever since he was a small child, this kid had the most uncanny ability to adjust the thermostat preemptively to establish the most comfortable indoor air conditions possible. We would casually mention the weather forecast around him, and realize later on that the indoor temperature control had been adjusted. At first, we were annoyed with his unsolicited temperature changes, but after a few mishaps, we realized that his settings always made the house amazingly comfortable when the heat wave, heavy winter storm, or humidity set in. It was like he had a sixth sense for anticipating what the central heating and cooling plan needed to keep us happy. All of that being said, with so few promising leads, I have encouraged my son to start his own HVAC business. He would certainly fill a unique ventilation niche. If he doesn’t burn down their houses, he can specialize in detailed thermostat programming for the most luxurious homes and comfort-conscious individuals in the city.
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Surprise bachelorette party

I love playing jokes on people, especially my friends when they least expect it.

I’m not a huge prankster, but when the time is right I will make secret arrangements that thrill. Recently, I pulled one over on my friend that she will never forget, and we have plenty of embarrassing pictures to ensure that is the case! You see, my oldest friend on earth is getting married this summer. I am so sad for me, and so happy for her at the same time. I’m bummed to see her move away and start a new life, but I knew I had to throw her an epic bachelorette party to send her off in style. That’s why I developed an elaborate plan with her fiance and the local HVAC company in town. You see, my friend is an AC addict. She has no tolerance for heat or humidity… which is a problem, considering we live in Atlanta. She runs the air conditioner constantly, so I knew she would notice if something went awry with the AC unit. I had her fiance sneak out and power off the cooling system at the source, and then he went to work for the night. All of her friends were headed over, when we started getting texts about how ungodly hot it was in her house. As expected, she called her fiance, who said that he called their usual heating and cooling specialist. We all gathered around and waited on the cool porch for HVAC help to arrive. But in fact, the normal ventilation truck that pulled into her driveway was not filled with heating and cooling specialists, but shirtless men with oiled abs. When they jumped out, dancing and waving around tool boxes, she also passed out on the ground. Then we really needed AC to bring her back to consciousness.
Click this link to find more information

College was hot, hot, hot

When people talk about their college experiences, I often don’t have much to add to the conversation.

They’re always talking about all the wild partying, the missed classes, and the last minute cramming for imperative examinations.

I do not understand, because my college education was very different. I took 20-24 credits every semester and worked every single day. I studied every night and weekend until my eyes crossed and I cried myself into exhaustion. I rarely got to go out, and I hardly had any friends. One thing is consistent between our higher education experiences, however; my college life sure was hot. No, not in the fun sexual experimentation way like everyone else. Literally, my apartment was burning hot. You see, I had no money to support myself, so I lived in a really old and run down apartment building with 3 random strangers. We had some unreliable and stinky heat in the winter, but absolutely no air conditioning in the summer. I think there was an AC unit at one time, but the thermostat did not connect to any sort of cooling system during the 3 years I lived there. As such, May through September every year was absolute burning hot misery. There was no way to cool all 4 bedrooms in the top floor apartment without modern air conditioning, although we sure tried. I tried to buy a window AC unit, but we had the wrong type of window installed. I couldn’t afford a portable AC unit, so I gave up on that idea. I even purchased several utility fans to channel fresh air into the place, but the only real relief I ever found was going to the air conditioned library to study all night long.

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Discounted service from new dealer

Beginning a new business venture has to be the most stressful and difficult thing an adult can choose to do with their working life.

It’s super easy to work for a large corporation and benefit from all the infrastructure they already have in place.

It’s super difficult, on the other hand, to work for yourself and be fully in charge of all the business successes and failures. There’s always a lot of pressure right in the beginning to establish a good name for yourself and entice new business, and that is exactly why I love a new company start up in my town! Every time they move in, these new operations bring amazing deals with them to gain popularity. Most recently, a brand new ventilation company opened in town. You’d better believe that we are getting an all new heating, cooling, and air purification system, all to be controlled with a top of the line smart thermostat. How is this all possible, you ask? The heating and cooling start up company is pushing their high tech and energy efficient ventilation equipment hard right now. They want to get the word out that this is the company to work with if you are on the market for the most modern HVAC equipment available today. As such, they’ve offered an amazing deal of 30% off all energy star rated air handling equipment created by a particular techy Japanese company, and free HVAC system installation to match! To make matters even better, they have a free extended heating and cooling component maintenance program, and helpful specialists who will help get you tax breaks on your updated HVAC plan to boot! I love this new company.

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