We really need to find another energy efficient house

We are really going to have to figure out how to find another house that’s more energy efficient than the one that we live in now.

We’ve been looking online for different sorts of houses like the ones that we are looking for. However, it’s really hard for us to find something because we aren’t able to sort the different homes that are for sale by the types of heating and air conditioning systems that they have. That’s really the only thing that matters to us at this point. Well, except for the fact that we still really want a wood burning fireplace. Other than that, we want a new house with a high efficiency heating and cooling system. The HVAC system that we have right now is absolutely terrible. It’s really old and I think that it’s actually costing us way more than it should. We have been running the furnace and the A/C nearly non-stop this past year, it seems like. I think that part of the problem is that our doors and windows aren’t properly sealed the way that they should be. We need to find another house with great windows and doors that are properly sealed, along with better insulation that will help to hold in the heating and cooling much better. I guess there has to be a way to find a home that’s energy efficient, but we’re probably going to have to deal with a realtor who knows exactly what sort of HVAC system each home has in it. At least if we’re dealing with a realtor, we might find a place with a high efficiency furnace and air conditioning system.

Cooling equipment

I’m pretty sure we need to get a wall mounted HVAC unit

We have been dealing with heating and cooling issues in our great room ever since we first moved into this house a couple of years ago.

I love the great room because of its high ceilings and the beautiful chimney and fireplace that’s made out of river rock from one of the rivers in the area.

It’s a really beautiful part of the house and I especially love the fireplace there during the winter and over the holidays. But the fact is that there really are heating and cooling issues in the great room. In the summer, it gets really hot in there because the A/C just can’t keep up with all of that open space and the high vaulted ceilings. In the winter, even though the wood burning fireplace helps out with the heating a little bit, the fact of the matter is that no matter what you do, heat rises. And in that great room with the giant high ceilings, the heat rises right up to the top of the house and out the roof! I’ve been doing a little bit of research about it and I came across a couple of different HVAC websites with what I thought were some good ideas that might help with the heating and cooling problems in that room. One of the things that was mentioned was something called a ductless mini split air conditioning system. With an HVAC system like this one, you don’t have to worry about installing extra ductwork. Wall mounted HVAC units like these don’t need any additional ductwork run in order to work.

heating business

Bars and Churches

Churches are unique in that the sanctuary may have very high ceilings and a need for quiet during lengthy prayers.

I suppose there is a good reason why bars are open seven days a week while churches are only “open for business” on Sunday. In many ways they are similar. There is one main character in each, the Minister, Rabbi, or Imams for the church and often a single bartender for the drinking establishments. These leaders all will listen to your problems, provide counseling, and will gladly accept “donations” for their work. Church members sit on committees to make suggestions as to where the church is headed and provide criticism if they feel the need to do so. Some bar “regulars” do the same, especially after imbibing too much of an unholy “spirit”. The church choir offers inspiring hymns, and while larger churches may hire professional singers, the choir is a chance for wanna-be singers to showcase their vocal talents. Bars don’t have choirs, but they do have karaoke night where solo performances are the focus. One more important similarity is that a church and a chapel sized bar need proper HVAC to maintain a comfortable setting for those who attend. Churches are unique in that the sanctuary may have very high ceilings and a need for quiet during lengthy prayers. These are both challenges for any HVAC design. Some bars still allow smoking so the area must have proper ventilation to keep the smoke away from any dining area. The HVAC in both places will need to account for the heat generated from the bodies of those gathered to dance to the jukebox on Saturday night or atone for the previous night’s behavior on Sunday morning. Bars and churches may have similar HVAC needs but I don’t think running a pew along the bar or setting up wooden bar stools in a church is a very good idea.


Heating industry

HVAC Affections

It may seem strange to have an affection for non-living things, but it seems to be gaining acceptance with artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.

I think we are a long way from robots taking control, but when my wife starts to nag, I become a bit jealous of men who opt for alluring humanoid robots I see advertised on the internet.

I’m not really into robotic women but I do have a touch of objectophilia with my HVAC system. My feelings are more like a nurturing parent to it because I babied it after it was installed several years ago. I had it cleaned and maintained four times each year by a qualified HVAC technician instead of the recommended twice-yearly cleanings. I changed the filters every month even though they still looked like new. My pampering seemed to work as I rarely had any issues with it, and it kept my wife and me warm during the cold seasons and cool in the hot seasons. It was never a “problem” child until it became a teenager a few years ago. It became noisy and rebellious making strange sounds that reminded me of how real kids act when they reach their teens. It’s also becoming less efficient and more expensive like most teenagers. I’ll stick with my HVAC unit for a few years more because by then it will be over 18 years old and ready to leave home as a pile of scrap metal. I can bring a new “baby” home from the HVAC “nursery”, our local heating and AC store. By then, I will have decided whether to paint the little closet where the central unit sits either pink for a girl HVAC unit or blue for a boy.



heating and air conditioning

I Swear for My Health

I watched a humorous documentary that was all about the origin of swear words.

If I uttered these words as a kid, my mother would fetch that bar of soap that had the singular goal of cleansing my oral cavity to prevent future occurrences.

The show’s first two episodes delved into the history of the two most popular swear words. One begins with an F and the other was historically used (and still is) as a synonym for excrement. The origin of both words is a mystery. The F-word might have come from medieval days where kings may have had the authority to approve or disapprove of bedroom activities between two consenting adults. Because “S” has always been “S”, the S-word had a more straightforward path to achieve swear word status. The show went on to claim that we store swear words in a primitive part of our brains and when used, they trigger hormones that can reduce our pain levels and relieve stress. Finally, I had a good excuse for my recent behavior. I had been muttering those two swear words when my monthly electric bill spiked because of a leak in our home’s HVAC ductwork. Later, I cut my hand while using a kitchen knife to make my HVAC patch. Unfortunately for me, my wife and kids witnessed my tirade that included many swear words The Netflix show helped me explain that my primitive brain caused the outburst and that it was genuinely good for my health and pain tolerance to use the words. My wife’s response was to hand me a bar of Ivory Soap and to make a call to a qualified HVAC company to send someone out to complete the HVAC repair I had started.

Whole home heating

Bigger or Smaller

In the 1970s everything was still big.

Big cars had yet to give way to smaller “Econo” cars.

Home sound systems were huge with large console speakers with large woofers to pound out the beat. Big hair was the popular style with afros and the post-hippie “Jesus look” for men and the “Farah Fawcett” look that was very popular with women. Hairstyles and fashions usually fluctuate over time and now there is even retro fashion for those wanting to capture the look of past eras. Those huge speakers have been replaced by earbuds and headsets and even tiny speakers that can still pump out a big sound due to technical innovations. Housing is another area where smaller is becoming more popular than larger and this means the size of HVAC systems must also adjust in size. One solution in homes where space is a premium is to install small duct HVAC systems. These systems work by using smaller ductwork and flexible supply tubes that deliver cooled air at a higher air velocity (also called static pressure) than conventional forced air equipment. They offer other advantages aside from space saving because they are quieter, capable of removing more moisture from the air and they easily match any décor. If any remodeling is needed, it should be minimal. Their use is not limited to small houses. Older homes not designed for HVAC and even historical houses that must maintain their original look are easily retrofitted with the small duct HVAC systems. The key to the small duct HVAC systems is Their use of small diameter flexible tubes that deliver air through small, almost invisible slots or circular vents. Wall vents can be easily disguised with wallpaper while painting or staining will make them “disappear” into the floor.



air conditioner

Benefits of HVAC tech for friend – customized home

When I was younger I went out of my way to be friends with one of the poor kids in school.

He was a really nice guy, but he was consistently bullied because of his clothing and social status.

I did everything that I could to be a good friend to him and we remained pals for the rest of our lives so far. There was a brief period when we lost touch, because I went off to a four-year University while he stayed in town to attend to the heating, cooling, and air quality control certification program at our local trade school. He graduated in only 18 months with his heating, cooling, and air quality control licensure and immediately began working for a well-known air temperature control dealership in the downtown area. When I returned from college, we immediately returned to being friends. And I am so glad that we have always been such good buddies. First of all, for his company. Second of all, for his heating, cooling, and air quality control company. You see, my heating and cooling friend has been instrumental in creating the house of my dreams. We have renovated everything in the structure, including the indoor air temperature control devices. My friend has helped me replace the furnace with radiant heated floors. The traditional air conditioning system with an evaporative cooling system. And we have even installed zone controlled heating and cooling for about the space. If it wasn’t for my friend, my house wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable with amazing indoor air temperature control. Without me, my friend says he never would have made it through high school.

air purification

Fate, HVAC tech needed ride on side of road

When I was younger I was always extremely depressed.

  • I felt like there was absolutely no reason to be alive because the entire ordeal was a continual journey of pain and disappointment.

I decided that everything in life was a random series of unfortunate events. Luckily… I don’t. I now believe that the universe is a beautiful place and it orchestrates many synchronicities in life. For instance, getting your heating, cooling, and air quality control system repaired for free. This is my most recent example of the universe having my – it’s important to me, even if it has to do with heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. You see, I had to move into a janky house several years ago where the indoor air temperature control system was even worse. The air conditioning unit had to be 10 years old. The forced air furnace was at least 20. I don’t think that the prior owner ever serviced the heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. Even the air ducts were absolutely neglected and packed to the brim with airborne contamination. From the time that I moved in, I knew that the heating and cooling system was a ticking time bomb. However, I did not have the extra cash for a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation appointment. And then… The air conditioning unit broke down in the middle of the summer. As I drove into town to purchase a bag of ice, I happened to stop for a hitchhiker on the side of the road. Wouldn’t you know… He happened to be a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation technician – and he was very grateful, and so was my broken AC unit.

Cooling and heating business

Asked for an HVAC technician recommendation – he was her boyfriend

I realized several years ago that I have often made the mistake of assuming other people knew what they were talking about.

I have regularly had such little confidence in myself that I have regularly appealed to other humans for their opinions on important matters.

I don’t think that this is the wrong thing to do, but I also don’t think that their advice should be taken as infallible facts. This is something that I finally absorbed after my massive heating, cooling, and air quality control failure last month. Now, for the past several months I have been obsessed with my indoor air temperature control equipment. I could tell that my heating system and air conditioning unit were not running well. For the past season or two, I’ve been waiting for the indoor air temperature control devices to break down on me. I have not been very proactive with the air quality equipment problem because I don’t have a lot of extra cash for a professional temperature control repair. At the same time, I don’t know who to trust as a certified heating, cooling, and ventilation control dealership. So, I decided I would ask a friend. She rapidly recommended a local heating, cooling, and ventilation technician and gave me his professional HVAC worker card. I promptly called the number and the HVAC technician inspected my indoor air temperature control devices. Too bad, he didn’t know how to fix them! When I mentioned the HVAC mishap to my friend, she seemed disappointed. She told me it made her sad that her boyfriend was such a poor heating and cooling technician. Oh.


Wait for the 2022 models to come out for savings

I would like to consider myself a smart consumer.

When it comes to making intelligent purchases, I like to do as much research as possible.

I am not the sort of person who likes to spend more money than I need to and I do not buy gadgets as soon as they hit the market at full price. I know better than to blow all of my money on expensive technological devices before they have been validated in the real world. That’s why it has taken me so long to upgrade my heating, cooling, and air quality control system. Several years ago I knew that I needed to start considering an indoor air temperature control device upgrade. My old forced air furnace was not running very efficiently. My air conditioning unit was making very strange noises every time the cooling device kicked into gear. Even my thermostat needed an upgrade, after several years of wear and tear had resulted in a cracked screen and broken buttons. I really wanted to upgrade my indoor air temperature control devices before the brutality of a hot and humid summer became reality, but I also knew that it was the wrong time to upgrade my heating, cooling, and air quality control system. In fact, I did some research and found out that you should always wait to buy new air temperature control devices if you can. When the next year’s improved HVAC models are released on the market, that’s the best time to invest in “outdated” heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. Every HVAC dealership will knock down the prices on the HVAC system of your choice to make room for new inventory. Then, you just worry about the installation fees.


Air conditioning corporation