Getting some heat pump repair

Chugging along with my work is proving to be a good thing as it looks like I’ll be done in an hour or less. Slow and steady is a good pace for me as I write every day and just need to keep consistent with the daily work. I just went outside in the town and it is pretty quiet here as we get ready for the coming summer season. We still have a month and a half left before this town gets crazy, but within two months after that everyone leaves and it gets quiet again. The HVAC contractor will be slammed for those two months though and will sell a lot of HVAC systems, enough to set them up for the whole winter when things get really slow and they close their doors for a few months and head out of the country to parts unknown. I will stay here and weather the quiet storm for the winter and just keep on keeping on. I’ll fly back to see my HVAC tech mom and the rest of the family for a few weeks and hang out in that rat race till I get tired of it. It seems like everyone back home is just working on their homes, sinking all their hard earned money into projects to try and make them feel happier, when all they need to do is come over here and live a simpler life with more free time. I’m glad I shut down my local contractor company back in 2008 and moved out of that whole mess.


Quality AC service

Four air quality systems for sale

All is calm in the flat as I work away while my cats sleep.

I am feeling pretty tired still as I recover from some bug that wiped me out all last week.

I think in two more days or so I will be totally back to normal again, which is amazing considering how sick I was just a few days ago. The body is quite an incredible machine, able to get rid of some of the nastiest colds and flus in a matter of a few days without having to take any antibiotics. The local business down the street sells some really good herbs and I guess the ones I took helped a lot to rid my body of that nasty flu. Now I am just trying to get some good rest each day by taking a nap to help me recharge my batteries and get my body back to health again. Heating up after my cold water swim now with a little heating device is helping me a lot because I like swimming in the cold sea but don’t want to stay cold too long after the swim. I will resume my Spanish practice again after over a week off and life will continue as it did before I came down with that bug. Tomorrow my heating supplier is coming down and we are going to practice a bit at this big church and record some new songs hopefully. We missed the past ten days with me being sick and are both ready to get moving forward with our band.

Link to website

Cleaning the new heating units

I think I will finish this story and then get out of this flat for a little bit and ride around town. It is pretty quiet in our town still but that will all change in about two or three weeks when all of the tourists come in and invade our town for a couple of months. It is nice having some new faces in town but after a couple of months we are ready to go back to just the locals once again. It will be a crazy summer but in about three months it will slow down. Local business owners will leave the town and head off to other places in the world for the winter. I will probably stay here the whole winter except for a trip back home to the States for the winter holidays. I will work for the local contractor while I am there to make a few bucks and then come back here and play music in our band like we have been doing. We are going to make a big tour this winter and it should be a fun time as we have a really nice RV for everyone to travel around in. It is an air conditioned beast and we will probably be on the road for a few months and it should be a really fun time as we play in furnace heated clubs in other towns. We will stay at the mountain cabin and do some shows up there while we visit my buddy’s family who will be up there as well.


Duct cleaning

Running the heating in July

My friend stayed over last night and is now on an airplane back to her home country.

She visited me for less than a day and I showed her around town and she really loves this place.

I didn’t have a ton of energy to walk around last night so after about an hour I came home and rested on the sofa while she walked around more to see the town. I am still recovering from the flu and my energy level is at about 70% right now, but I think in two or three days I’ll be 100%. Cooling down at night with my mini split a/c unit really helped me sleep well because I had such a fever from the flu that it was not easy to sleep without some climate control. Now I am back to just using a fan at night for sleep as it cools me down a bit and also drowns out any noise that may come from the bar in the back of my flat. It can get loud at night back there and having an air conditioner fan running helps block out the noise so I can get a good night of sleep. I also wear ear plugs and when it is super noisy back there I will put on some noise canceling headphones so that I don’t hear a thing. It is a good system that my heating rep told me about with the earplugs and headphones and I seem to sleep really well using them each night. Life is good!

New air conditioning

Seven cooling jobs I am doing

I am going to write for 22 more minutes and head to the sea at 11 in the morning for a chill ride and some breakfast.

Some people eat a chocolate croissant each morning with their coffee in the cafes, but I prefer to have an apple and kefir to fuel my body with something other than sugar.

It gives me energy and I get a lot of probiotics from the kefir to keep my immune system strong and give me a good dose of protein as well. My flatmate makes the kefir for me, cooling it down in the fridge afterwards so that I can enjoy it for days to come. We subtract the cost of that kefir from the rent and I get to eat better quality probiotics as a result. She works at this local business and they make a lot of fermented foods, some of which I end up buying from her to help her out a bit. I mainly eat kefir from her but she also makes some really good sauerkraut, which I like to eat each day in the evening to load up once again on those probiotics. I work for this local contractor in town and I think they could probably sell some of her fermented foods to the HVAC customers who come in each day. I think probiotics are really good for the body and maybe help ward off a lot of diseases too. I will buy some jars from the HVAC rep and use them to store more kefir in the fridge.
SEER ratings

Treat myself to some cooling later

I think tonight will be a treat night for me and I’ll watch a good movie or documentary later.

  • I don’t watch much as far as movies go, but tonight is going to be an early night for me because tomorrow I need to be all rested so we can play music on this pier that juts out into the sea.

I want to come up with some new songs and tomorrow may be the perfect day to do so, as the weather is going to be really nice and my bandmate is coming into town to play. Heating and cooling repairs is what we both do and that is how we met a couple of years ago, but I didn’t know at that point that he was also a musician. I was playing volleyball one day on the beach and I heard him singing and playing guitar and it sounded different and cool to me so I joined him one day singing and the rest is history. We will be playing in local businesses all over the country one day and in the winter we will play for this club with a nice fireplace and a really good sound system. It is nice having hope for the future and this band gives me a lot to be hopeful for and I am grateful for getting the chance to play in such a cool group. We have another HVAC tech that wants to join us when we play and we will probably invite her one day in the near future to see how it goes.

a/c workman

My friend’s useful energy saving tips to save us currency on energy bills

My partner has a lot on her plate at the moment; she’s snowed under at labor and is taking extra time to pay for vet bills plus our boiler maintenance bills, but unblessedly, my pal and I need currency in the system my pal and I live in, and my pal and I can’t go without particular things

I just had a delicious dinner of fruit with tahini and nuts, and with this dinner, along with the root coors and spirulina pill, I will rapidly get my labor done and still have enough energy to take my partner’s hyperactive dog for an hour’s run in the park! Since I labor remotely from home, it’s up to me to be the housefiance and take care of the house, however it’s up to me to clean the house, feed and walk the dogs, and do the laundry, then and since I labor for an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company, it’s also up to me to sort out our heating and cooling systems when they aren’t working. My partner has a lot on her plate at the moment; she’s snowed under at labor and is taking extra time to pay for vet bills plus our boiler maintenance bills, but unblessedly, my pal and I need currency in the system my pal and I live in, and my pal and I can’t go without particular things. I contacted a close friend today to ask him about energy saving tips so my pal and I could save currency on energy bills, since it has been predicted that it will be a scorching summer, and my partner and I are going to be running the air conditioning day and night, but he advised us to use energy-efficient light bulbs, adjust temperature control settings, optimize refrigerator settings, turn off lights when not in use, and use energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. He also mentioned that there is modern technology out on the market that is designed to save energy, such as smart temperature controls, which would provide us with the ability to control the temperature of our household remotely and also optimize the temperature in our home, leading to energy savings and increased comfort.



Heating and cooling service

A street tolerable featuring local companies in our town

It’s going to be a ridiculous weekend here in the town where I live.

There is a street tolerable happening now that’s going to go on until Thursday.

We’ve been informed that there are going to be concerts as well as loud music until 2 am each morning throughout the entire weekend! My flatmate is going away to spend the weekend with his family in some village to escape the chaos. Meanwhile, my husbandy is going to a friend’s birthday party. However, I personally don’t mind the noise; in fact I never have. When I was a child, a bunch of hooligans used to get drunk during the night in the public square beneath our flat before the heating as well as cooling company opened there. While my parents despised them, I found the noises made by the intoxicated individuals to be relaxing as well as soothing, actually helping me with my sleep. Since it’s still raining outside, I’m going to make some progress with my Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C tech stories, as well as after that, I’m going to see a circus show with my husbandy as well as his friend, later, if the weather permits, my associate and I might go as well as check out the street tolerable as well as local companies to grab a drink as well as something to eat. My pal and I might as well take luck of the party that is literally happening right by our doorstep as well as have some fun. And if my associate and I don’t like it, the great news is that our flat is nearby, so my associate and I can retreat to watch a film by the electric fireplace as well as care about some chips, either way, I’m blissful!



Heating and air conditioning

House viewing with my friends pushed me into remodeling my gas fireplace to an electricity-powered one

My best friends got married, plus soon after, they started to look for houses to buy.

  • One of the houses I loved most had a fireplace plus some current type of electric heater as part of the Heating plus Air Conditioning installation.

I loved the bathtubs in it too, but the heating component caught my interest. It looked like something straight out of a dream, plus I couldn’t see how my friends would not close the deal on it. I remembered my apartment only had a gas boiler for heating plus how much I’d savor to have heating device installed at my reading nook, which happens to be in the living room area. It’s a pretty cozy corner, even though I imagined how cozy it would be when I got a heating contractor to install a heater around it. I took pictures of what was in that property plus passed by the heating dealership to see how much it would cost to purchase plus install. My target was to have the heating business send their Heating plus Air Conditioning professional to install it during my next heating maintenance appointment. They had what I needed, plus I had time to save up, which was three months that passed by so slowly that I almost called the heating specialist before the date we would agreed upon. It took two afternoons to install the heater since it was electric plus my good friend and I were not doing excessive construction work. I have been using it for a year now. It’s cozy because I can regulate it with a temperature control, so it doesn’t get too hot plus uncomfortable. I savor it plus hope it serves me for as numerous years as possible before I pay for heating repair to keep it running.

Heat pump

I had no idea that fireplace cleaning would improve air quality as well as hot up our property

Our fireplace has always been where we gather to relax as well as bond over drinks as well as games when we have friends over.

It’s an additional heating unit for our house, as well as I enjoy it because it reminds me of my Grandma’s house. While I have been keen on handling heating repair for the gas boiler as well as the backup electric heater, I never thought about it. The Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C professional once asked about it, as well as I dismissed his question by saying that we barely used it, so there was no point in servicing it. It didn’t even need a thermostat because we use wood on it, making it hard to control anything about it. When I had a heating professional over for an annual heating unit servicing visit, everything changed. Of course, I only offered details for the other Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C replacement, despite the fact that he saw the chimney as well as asked about it, after much explanation about how it needed to be cleaned, I agreed to have it inspected. The heating specialist cleaned the main unit before moving to the fire area. The heating dealership representative also inspected for any leaks that would bring water into the house, an issue I was made to understand would create a good environment for mold growth. I was lucky that after all my negligence, there was nothing that needed critical attention, as well as I didn’t have to worry about the heating repair. The night after all the work was done, I could tell the impressive change from the cleaning, as well as I loved it so much that I added it to the list of things the heating business specialist has to handle at least once a year.

New contractor