The company was having a picnic

I tried to call the driver and he did not answer and I did not want to be late because the order was supposed to be delivered to the commercial HVAC repair business at 10:30.

I work for a barbecue restaurant in town and we sell lots of different meats that are cooked on the grill. We sell ribs, chicken, turkey, beef, and pulled pork. We have side dishes like macaroni and cheese, corn, potatoes, coleslaw, and baked beans. We had a huge order at the restaurant on Friday morning. We had an order for six chickens and a pound of pulled pork, turkey, and beef. The company also wanted six racks of ribs. It was probably the biggest order we’ve had in a little while. The company also ordered a large container of each side that we offered. I had to order ready to go at 10:00 a.m. and the delivery driver was supposed to be there to take it to the business. The business was located just across town. The commercial HVAC repair business was about 10 minutes away. At 10:15, I decided to load everything into my car. I tried to call the driver and he did not answer and I did not want to be late because the order was supposed to be delivered to the commercial HVAC repair business at 10:30. I left the restaurant at 10:30 and I called the commercial HVAC repair business to let them know that I was on the way. They told me not to worry because no one was going to be eating until 11:00. I had plenty of time to set everything up when I arrived. I did not know that they were expecting me to stay there and serve, so that was a surprise.


air conditioner

Air purifiers have immense health benefits

Air purifiers effectively remove allergens and indoor pollutants from the air.

Air purifiers also reduce allergens.

Air purifiers can remove pet dander, dust, pollen, bacteria, and viruses. Air purifiers can also help reduce odors. Air purifiers that are specially made for vocs or volatile organic compounds can reduce odors from cooking, pets, and chemicals. Air purifiers can also help improve sleep. Air purifiers remove allergens and that can help reduce snoring and improve sleep quality. By reducing the amount of allergens inside of your home and improving the indoor air quality, you can help increase your health and the health of your HVAC system. My family and I decided to buy an air purifier to remove odors from our home. I was working on a project that required a lot of paint and there were lots of chemicals inside of the house and the garage. I tried to open the door, but the fumes were on the walls and in the carpet. It was hard to get them to dissipate quickly. I bought a small air purifier to see if it would help and I was amazed by the results. The tiny machine removed every trace of odor from the air. I bought two more air purifiers for the house after seeing those incredible results. We can remove 99.9% of all indoor pollutants including the chemical fumes and residue from the paint. With all of the immense health benefits that air purifiers carry, I am surprised that more people have not resorted to buying an indoor air cleaning machine.


HVAC technician

Nobody wanted the kids to get married

I knew that my son was dating someone when he was 15 years old.

I tried to get information from my son but he was very quiet about his girlfriend.

I figured it was due to the fact that he was young and it was his first girlfriend. I honestly didn’t think that they were having sex, so my husband and I were both surprised when he came home from school to tell the two of us that his girlfriend was pregnant. He was 16 at the time and she was 15 years old. They were both freshmen in high school and barely knew how to take care of themselves. Nobody wanted the kids to get married. They were planning to elope because they didn’t need permission to get married in this state if she was pregnant. My wife and I met with her parents and they were ready to force her to get rid of the baby. My wife and I decided to let her move into the house with our son and they did get married. We thought it was going to be a disaster, but they are still together 5 years later. Both of the kids managed to get a high school diploma and my son is now working as an HVAC repair technician. He earns good money in the HVAC repair field. The HVAC business also gives him medical and dental insurance for his whole family. His wife stays home with their two kids and takes care of the house and all of the cooking and chores. The kids have a much better relationship than half of the couples that I know.

heating maintenance

I found some problems with the ductwork

My sister was thinking about buying a house up in the country and she wanted to know if it was worth the money or not.

She already had a townhouse in the city.

She asked if I would take a look at the place. I work as a general contractor and a certified HVAC repair technician. The first thing that I looked at when I got to the property was the heating and cooling system. I found some problems with the ductwork that were going to be costly to fix. There were some places in the attic where the ductwork did not seem to be attached to anything at all. I was worried that the ductwork was going to be expensive, but my sister was more concerned with the foundation and the roof. I didn’t find any problems at all with the roof and I walked all over it. I also used a special machine that allows me to see problems that might be happening under the roof. I also looked at the foundation and did not find any problems. Other than the issues with the HVAC system, I really didn’t think that the house was in bad shape. I told my sister that it was a good buy and she should try to get it for a good price. The owner of the house was trying to get $260,000 for it, but I felt like my sister could probably talk the guy down to $245,000 after she told him about all of the small problems that I found.

ductless mini split

Ready for the cooling waters of the sea

It is not easy to plop into the 57F sea each morning, but I do it regardless and end up feeling better each time.

It is even more of a shock now that the air temps are warm, but the cold water does wonders for my joints and my overall energy, so I keep doing it each day no matter how I feel.

I think there is something beneficial about the cold salt water on the body and therefore I make sure I go in the sea every single day the whole fall and winter seasons. The cooling supplier does the dip too and got me to do it with her after we worked together on heat pumps and both had sore knees from doing the work. I felt a lot better after the first few times going in the cold water so I kept up with it and am happy I did. I think that when I work on ductwork and am bending down a lot, the cold water helps my joints to recover faster from the water, cooling them down and relieving the swelling and inflammation. I also stopped eating all sugars a few years ago and I think that has something to do with my knees feeling better. The water is heating up slowly though and it won’t be long till the cold water dips are done for the summer. I will keep going in the water the whole summer so that I stay on track and keep up the habit of doing the cold water swims in the winter.



residential hvac

Eight in the morning with air con clipping

I think the weather is cold up there so I will have to pack some warm clothes so that I am not freezing the whole time like the last time we went up there.

I am supposed to train an old student with yoga today in his home, but I first need to get all of this work done online before I am able to do that. He lives right down my street and is only a two minute walk from my flat, but I have a lot of work to do before I can go help him out. I am also supposed to be leaving this evening for the mountains and have a lot of packing to do. We are going to play some gigs in local businesses in the mountains this weekend and I need to get my gear ready for those climate controlled bars that we will be playing in. I think the weather is cold up there so I will have to pack some warm clothes so that I am not freezing the whole time like the last time we went up there. They have a nice little fireplace in the cabin to keep us warm, but when you go outside you need some warm clothes or you end up cooling down too much and freezing yourself while you’re outside. I need to flip a coin though and make sure that this is what I want to do, because there is a big tournament on the beach tomorrow and I could still play in it if I want and try to win the grand prize of cash. There are some great players coming to play in the tourney, but my heating rep buddy and I are pretty darn good ourselves.
hvac brands

Thank you for this heating system

I don’t know how my buddy got to work this morning at 8am, while I can barely get myself going at 11am.

I left the bar we were at way before him, and he was still drinking when I left so I am sure he had a really late night.

He is 44 and I am 56, so maybe that has some bearing on how we feel in the morning, but there is no way I could drink till midnight and then get home and be up by 7am to get ready for work. The heating corp where he works gets really busy first thing in the morning, so he needed to be on his toes this morning and ready to answer any heating or cooling technology questions that were thrown to him. At least my writing job doesn’t entail me talking to people and interacting, so it is a bit easier for me when I get up in the morning and am not feeling my best. I will turn on my geothermal heat pump soon and get this place warm for when I come back from my cold swim, because there is nothing worse than coming home to a cold home with no heating at all. I am really cold when I get back from my swim and I need to warm up my body as fast as I can so I don’t feel so cold. I usually warm up my hands with this little heating device my mom got for me a few years ago. It is great for heating up cold hands.

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Ten mountains of heating supplier work to climb

I feel like I have to climb Mount Everest this morning with all of the work I’ve yet to accomplish.

I am getting a late start after hanging out with my athlete crew at a bar last night till pretty late in the evening.

I left before any of them did because I was getting really hungry and needed a shower. It was not easy jumping in that shower because we have no hot water, so when the cold water hits you at night like that it really gives you a shock. I’m still waiting for the hot water boiler that I ordered online almost a month ago and still hasn’t arrived. I messaged the company and they told me they are checking on it, which hopefully is the truth. The HVAC company has been in business for years so I am sure they are legit, but you never know when you buy heating equipment online from a company you have never used before. My brain is kind of foggy right now, but in about 30 more minutes I will take a trot down to the cold sea and jump in it for a minute or two to get my mind working at full speed again. I like cooling down my body rapidly in the sea like that and then come home and work on heating it up again next to my little radiant heater that I put on low when I am back in my office. I just like to get my hands nice and warm so my fingers are good at typing fast.


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Running the a/c system soon

I just hope my HVAC rep boss can keep me busy with the heating system repairs and that my body holds out enough to be able to do the work.

I’ve finally stopped looking at the stock price from my EV company because each time I look at it I just get down. I bought it at 90 cents a share and now it is down to 27 cents and dropping. I just need to forget about it for a year or two and then look at it when the company is producing and selling tons of cars, which I feel is going to happen but not for a while. It could take them five or seven years to really become a force, but if it happens I’ll be set. Heating and cooling repairs are on the radar now as summer approaches and the temps start to heat up. I will be busy this summer playing lots of gigs in bars and playing lots of volleyball on the beach. I just hope my HVAC rep boss can keep me busy with the heating system repairs and that my body holds out enough to be able to do the work. I know I need to stop drinking so much beer each day because it is making me tired and making it tough to work, but summer here is known for lots of beer drinking on the beach. Maybe I need to move to a climate controlled cabin out in the woods for the summer and let my body rest while I sit inside and enjoy some air conditioning and peace. There is part of me that wants to keep going and pushing myself, while another part of me is telling me to rest and slow down.


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My fate rest on my air purifier

So tomorrow I will either be up in the mountains playing drums and singing with my bandmate, or I will be in the sand on the beach playing in a big beach volleyball tournament.

Quite a contrast between the two I know, but those are my two passions which tend to clash with one another from time to time.

I’ve been playing ball for 31 years competitively and have been playing music on and off for 40 years in one way or another. Volleyball is more or less just for fun nowadays as my old HVAC expert body can’t do what it could, but with music I can still open some doors and make some headway. Our band recorded some pretty cool songs last week at a local business and I need to go through them and edit them so that we can put them online for our small fan base. I think we will be playing in clubs and off of the streets soon, which is something to look forward to because they pay us well and it will be a lot of fun playing where people are having fun themselves. The heating supplier is going to have a sale this coming week and I need to think if there is something that I need, as they are having a sale on all of the heating and cooling equipment in the store. If I end up going to the mountains then that will nix the trip to the store to buy stuff because the sale will be off by the time I return.


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